
Showing posts from November, 2016

Review: The Amazing Spider-man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #1

If you’ve read my experimental “How to Fix it” essay or some of my comments throughout Deviantart, then you should know my feelings about One More Day . I still hate the story, though I understand Marvel’s intentions, even if I disagree with them. Either way, Marvel still hasn’t undone the deal with Mephisto and I have zero interest in The Clone Conspiracy . However, when I heard about this series, I was instantly excited. I bought my own digital copy of the first issue and thought I’d give my first comic review with this.  First, let’s get some things out there. I did not read the first Renew Your Vows series. The main reason being I don’t live near a comic shop. And my digital purchases rely on itunes gift cards, which I don’t get very often. But I know the basics of the story thanks to this youtube video. Even so, it turns out I don’t really need to. Gerry Conway has confirmed that this series takes place in a different universe where the battle with the Regent en...

How to Fix It: One More Day

Welcome to How to Fix It, where I take a horrible movie, series, or comic and tell my idea on how it could’ve been done right. For my first Fix, I'm working with a comic that was so bad, it made many people stop reading comics all together! There has been an outcry for this story to be undone. So far, nobody has listened. It’s the most hated comic in the Spider-man franchise. I am of course talking about Spider-man: One More Day.  First, I’ll explain what the story is and what’s wrong with it. Then I’ll get to my idea on how to fix the story and make something much better. 

Welcome to my Cave

Welcome to the Dragon's Cave, where I'll post my general thoughts on things like movies, television, and other forms of fiction. I'll also post some of my own artwork and fiction, which you can find more of on my Deviantart  gallery.