Review: The Amazing Spider-man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #1
If you’ve read my experimental “How to Fix it” essay or some of my comments throughout Deviantart, then you should know my feelings about One More Day . I still hate the story, though I understand Marvel’s intentions, even if I disagree with them. Either way, Marvel still hasn’t undone the deal with Mephisto and I have zero interest in The Clone Conspiracy . However, when I heard about this series, I was instantly excited. I bought my own digital copy of the first issue and thought I’d give my first comic review with this. First, let’s get some things out there. I did not read the first Renew Your Vows series. The main reason being I don’t live near a comic shop. And my digital purchases rely on itunes gift cards, which I don’t get very often. But I know the basics of the story thanks to this youtube video. Even so, it turns out I don’t really need to. Gerry Conway has confirmed that this series takes place in a different universe where the battle with the Regent en...