Review: Blue Beetle #1 (2016)
After reviewing so many Marvel books (including Star Wars) I've decided to change things up a bit by reviewing a book about one of my favorite characters from DC comics, The Blue Beetle. For those of you who don't know the character and would like an in-depth look at the history of Blue Beetle, check out Linkara's Blue-Skying retrospective. It's a great way to get all the knowledge you need, plus it's really entertaining. But to get caught up on the current version, you can just watch Part 1 and Part 2 of his look at the New 52 version of Jaime Reyes. After so long of people complaining about the tone of their comics being too cynical, DC decided to bring back the hope and fun in comics with their big event, Rebirth . Basically, it was a huge retcon to the new universe that let them bring back all the things long-time readers loved without actually rebooting again. Heck, they actually replaced the New 52 Superman with his pre-reboot counterp...