
Review: Blue Beetle #1 (2016)

After reviewing so many Marvel books (including Star Wars) I've decided to change things up a bit by reviewing a book about one of my favorite characters from DC comics, The Blue Beetle. For those of you who don't know the character and would like an in-depth look at the history of Blue Beetle, check out Linkara's  Blue-Skying  retrospective. It's a great way to get all the knowledge you need, plus it's really entertaining. But to get caught up on the current version, you can just watch  Part 1  and  Part 2  of his look at the New 52 version of Jaime Reyes. After so long of people complaining about the tone of their comics being too cynical, DC decided to bring back the hope and fun in comics with their big event,  Rebirth . Basically, it was a huge retcon to the new universe that let them bring back all the things long-time readers loved without actually rebooting again. Heck, they actually replaced the New 52 Superman with his pre-reboot counterp...

Review: The Amazing Spider-man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #2

You know you've got an awesome family when the parents are able to fight a T-Rex. Happy Valentines Day, everybody. Since this is the day of romance, I decided that today's review should feature my favorite couple in comic books, Peter Parker and Mary Jane. These two were married for around twenty years, becoming as iconic as Superman and Lois Lane. Then came One More Day  and Spider-man was forced by the editors to give his marriage up to Mephisto. While I still wish they would undo that horrible comic, I'm glad we have something to give us more married stories today. It's time to take another look at the series that got me to review comics, The Amazing Spider-man: Renew Your Vows . The comic that takes place in a world where Peter is still married to Mary Jane and has a daughter named Annie. The series centers around this new Spider-family's adventures since Annie has inherited her dad's powers and MJ now has a suit that lets her share his powers. The las...

Review: Star Wars #1 (2015)

A long time ago (about two years), in a galaxy that's as close as you can get... It was a period of nerd unrest. After being purchased by DISNEY, the entire expanded universe of STAR WARS was declared non-canon by the new story-group at LUCASFILM. The only pre-Disney Star Wars that would be considered canon were the six theatrical films, and the CLONE WARS television series (the cgi one). From this point on, anything released, whether movies, comics, games, etc. would be considered canon with the STAR WARS movies. Despite Lucasfilm's rather sound reasons for making this decision and assuring fans that many of the elements from those other stories could be brought back, the Internet was enraged (but then again, when isn't it?). Due to it also being owned by Disney, all responsibilities to future Star Wars comics went to MARVEL. Multiple series have been made since, including character focused ones such as Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Poe Dameron, and C-3P0 (I...

Missed Potential: Descendants

Welcome  to the first article in my new series, Missed Potential. For today's title, we're taking a look  at something that, while I do kind of like it, I hesitate to say it's great. In 2015, Disney Channel premiered it's highly promoted film, Descendants. A movie about the children of Disney villains learning to be good. Since it's premiere it's received its fair share of both love and hate from viewers, gaining and average 6.4/10 on IMDB  even though the most frequent rating on the same site was 10/10. It's been getting a lot of stuff even after premiering, including a series of animated shorts, some novels from a bestselling author, and even an upcoming sequel. When I first heard about this movie, I was all on board for it. Unlike a lot of people on the Internet, I don't hate Disney Channel movies. I haven't seen all of them, but I actually enjoyed titles like Let it Shine  or Geek Charming . But what I really liked about the premise to D...

Missed Potential: Series Announcement

I've decided to bring back my "How to Fix It" idea with a new name and a new approach. From now on, I won't just be taking something that was horrible and try making it better. Instead, I'll be taking a look at stories that I believe actually had potential to be amazing, but missed it. The quality of the title being discussed can range from "kind of good" to "Oh please, make it stop!"  Let's be clear, though. I will only make a post regarding a story (movie, comic, book, etc.) if there are enough things I'd change to make an entire post. If the only change I'd make is to remove one scene or tweak the lighting on the set, that's not enough. I need to be able to change a lot in order for something to qualify. Another change is that I intend to use visuals in this series. They can range from screenshots to my own illustrations (or other artists when/if I start asking for commissions on Deviantart). Here are a few titles tha...

Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1

After doing two Spider-man related posts in a row, I decided it was time to change things up and talk about another franchise I love. So here we are. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I've loved these guys ever since I discovered them with a game at a certain pizza arcade as a little kid. You know you're hooked on a game when you're wasting all your tokens on it even though it doesn't give any tickets. Years later, I managed to catch the 2003 series when they started airing it on Cartoon Network and I've been following them ever since. A couple of years ago, I got a copy of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Visual History . It's a great recounting of the franchise's history with nice little attachments throughout its pages and I recommend it to anyone who's a turtles fan. On the back cover, it lists that the book contains a reprint of the first Turtles comic. I searched through the pages over and over, never finding the dang thing. It was only l...

Review: The Amazing Spider-man: Renew Your Vows (2016) #1

If you’ve read my experimental “How to Fix it” essay or some of my comments throughout Deviantart, then you should know my feelings about One More Day . I still hate the story, though I understand Marvel’s intentions, even if I disagree with them. Either way, Marvel still hasn’t undone the deal with Mephisto and I have zero interest in The Clone Conspiracy . However, when I heard about this series, I was instantly excited. I bought my own digital copy of the first issue and thought I’d give my first comic review with this.  First, let’s get some things out there. I did not read the first Renew Your Vows series. The main reason being I don’t live near a comic shop. And my digital purchases rely on itunes gift cards, which I don’t get very often. But I know the basics of the story thanks to this youtube video. Even so, it turns out I don’t really need to. Gerry Conway has confirmed that this series takes place in a different universe where the battle with the Regent en...